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How He Loves Me

Alone Together Maria Kreyn “The way her eyes flicker upwards and dart around when she thinks. Then locks dead with mine when she’s found the answer. She looks at me with such intensity like she’s found all the secrets I worked so hard to keep hidden for fear that if she knew, she would leave. “But instinctively, as if she read my mind, understood my fears and reassured me that she saw through them, to see the real me. That as long as we had love, respect, trust/loyalty, and humor between us, she would be right there with me, that she’s not so easily dissuaded. “I notice all the microexpressions of her face, studied them, memorized them. How her right eyebrow lifts just slightly when she has questions; or the tiny furrow of her forehead when she’s sad but is fighting back her tears; or how she purses her lips when there is something on her mind but is too proud to bring it up; or the way she bits the lower left side of her lips when I kiss her just right... “She draws me

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